Sports Dentistry for the Female Athlete

Sports Dentistry

Introduction: A woman has many cycles in her life right from childhood, puberty, pregnancy andmenopause and not to mention the social and cultural changes following marriage, lookingafter kids and family, trying to keep a work-life balance! In addition, if you are an athlete,there are many other factors that come into play that can lead to […]

How Sports Dentistry and Sports Nutrition are Interlinked

man drinking energy drink

Introduction The number of athletes getting involved in sport is increasing. However, despite the pursuit of optimal physical and mental health, oral health is often undervalued. In comparison to their sedentary counterparts, people who regularly exercise are predisposed to a number of potential oral health risk factors. These are linked to training methods, the nutritional […]

How Sports Dentistry Can Help in Conquering Tobacco Use in Athletes


Today is World No-Tobacco Day. Introduction Today, in the 21st century, people are becoming more and more aware of the harmful effects of tobacco. In spite of that, it is a sad fact that tobacco causes 8 million deaths every year. Also, in the current scenario of Covid-19 pandemic, it is now known that smokers […]
