A Tribute to the Spirit of Olympism


Olympian. There I said it. I am certain that the same visual imagery is playing out in your mind as well. That of a breathtaking streak of brilliance, seeing which – your jaw drops, the world stops spinning, and time seems to have paused to join in the spectacle, to watch it with its own […]

How Indian Cricket Can Embrace the Mental Wellness Revolution

VK Canva 2

Imagine a pressure cooker. The fire – red, hot and flaming underneath it, ensures that the broth boils to a boiling point, the pressure stifling and engulfing transcends into steam, and the whistle finally roars, crying out in defiance, cooking the broth. Dinner is then served through a baptism of fire. Now multiply that pressure […]

Could the Entire Length of the IPL Have Been Played in India Itself?

Ground 1

As the country clings on to its dear life, trying its best to survive in these rough times without collapsing, the scheduling, orchestration, and the eventual postponement of the IPL managed to raise several eyebrows. Sports manages to bring out qualities such as compassion, teamwork, respect, admiration, and an icy cold rush of adrenaline-laced with […]
